Indiana Online Continuing Education Courses
As you will see, our online CE is very different than other online CE's available. No more reading material from PowerPoints, written by groups that don't even live or work in Indiana.
Our CE classes are video taped classes all held in Indiana. They discuss topics relevant to Indiana and reference stories, laws, and court cases that are significant to the area.
They all include appropriate forms, provide downloadable PDFs and offer language for documents that you can use immediately.
These Online Courses are available now for $19.95 -$39.95 each .
Or, save with The Bundle: Choose the 12 hours you want-- from over 82 hours of choices-- for $79.95.
Newly added from the 2023-24 season:
How to Violate the Code of Ethics (3 Hours)
Fair Housing and Related Regulations (3 Hours)
Not Your Typical Title Transactions (2 Hours)
Contracts: the Listing Appointment, from Mark Bock (2 hours)
The Commission and What It Does, form Mark Bock (2 Hours)
Other classes in the $79.95 bundle....
-- Ways to Terminate a Purchase Agreement, from Mark Bock - 2 hours. The Indiana Sales Contract has so many ways to terminate the transaction. You should know them.
-- Avoiding and Overcoming a Low Appraisal - 2 hours. Most agents have seen this issue. Learn some ways to work with the appraiser.
-- How Did You Think That Was OK? - 2 hours. Hear about true cases of Agents and what they have done around the country.
-- Termites, Ants, Beetles and More! from Patty Thornberry - 2 hours. One of our most popular instructors discuss how insects affect the real estate transaction.
-- New Construction of a Custom Home from Mark Bock - 2 hours. Mark goes over the issues of building a custom home.
-- Did You Really Do That? - 2 hours. Jay discusses some real life scenarios that have put Agents in trouble.
-- Real Estate Self Defense - 2 hours - Such a popular class that Jay has been employed several times to do a live versions for groups. What could be more important to you than your safety?
-- Agency -2 hours - Jay goes over all of this years changes. This class includes the forms, with highlights of all the new portions, Jay discussed how the new wording and additions can change your transactions.
--Ethics - 3 hours- We brought in Mark Bock, a former Real Estate Commissioner, to teach our Ethics class this year. Mark and Jay discuss Ethics concepts with the class-- and include a KAHOOT quiz-- a popular in-class fun quiz - test your knowledge against the class - and get your Ethics requirement, due December 2024.
--Land Development - 3 hours - A new topic for us, and it has been very popular with our live students. Luckily, this online version is a videotaped live class! Learn the concepts of land development, and perhaps find a new revenue stream!
--Standardized Language for Purchase Agreements -2 hours This is the online class that offers the language drafted by an attorney. You will have wording that you can use immediately.
--Do This, Don't Do That - 2 hours Learn the ins and outs to keep you out of trouble.
-- Agency Breaches You Won't Believe - 2 hours - A staff favorite! This class KAHOOT got very competitive, and funny as players tried to out score the others. It's all in fun, and everyone still learned the material.
-- Selling in a Volatile Seller's Market - 2 hours -A seller's market has it's own challenges. This will help you in our weird current market.
--Stay Out of Real Estate Jail - 2 hours - You know there are many legal concepts in Real Estate. Do you know how to avoid issues? Jay uses his Legal background to keep you out of trouble.
-- Environmental Hazards I: Radon Mold and Meth - 2 hours - Patty Thornberry outdoes herself on this one. Learn about Radon and Mold... and her portion on Meth is not something you will soon forget.
-- Complaint Advertising - 2 hours - Advertising can be very tricky. There are a lot of rules. Be careful -- this class can help.
-- New Home Construction - 2 hours - Are you selling new homes? You should know about the building process, so you can educate your clients.
-- Navigating a Crazy Sellers Market 2021 - 2 hours - . Understand how to deal with this crazy market.
-- Risk Reduction - 2 hours - In Real Estate, everyone wants to reduce their legal risk. This is your class.
-- Introduction to Title - 2 hours - This is a very popular class taught by Tonya Ott from Chicago Title. Learn the behind-the-scenes of the Title Company.
-- Understanding How to Run an Effective RE Office - 4 hours - This is not just for Managing Brokers. This is important for anyone who wants to understand why rules exist.
-- Environmental Hazards II - Lead and Asbestos - 2 hours - Patty is back! A great, energetic class teaching about materials that are everywhere.
-- Fair Housing - 2 hours- Fair Housing is one of the accidentally/easiest ways to mess up your career (and your pocket book,). Learn the pitfalls.
-- Basics Buyer Representation - 3 hours - Learn about Jay's "Buyer's Training Sessions". It is a great way to educate buyers, while protecting yourself legally.
-- Breaking the Code (Ethics ) - 3 hours -Jay offers an upbeat class to for your Ethics requirements.
--Real Estate Steeplechase - 2 hours - A horse steeplechase is an obstacle course. So is Real Estate. Let us help you navigate the problems.
-- Improve Writing and Negotiate Contracts - 2 hours - the Paperwork is where everything begins. Learns strategies to make yours better.
Why would you consider anything else?
Click here to Register for the Continuing Education ONLINE
Are you looking for information to become a Real Estate Broker? This is everything you need! Pre-licensing Package includes the 90-Hour Pre-licensing Course and the Exam Prep systems. In addition, students will have unlimited access to additional live Pre-licensing classes and access to unlimited access to live review sessions. Online and Live Streaming is available
24-Hour Managing Broker Course
Online course - To become the Managing Broker of a company, or start your own Brokerage, you must have your license for at least two years. In addition, you must take a 24-hour Managing Broker Course.
Online course - New licensees are required to take a 30-hour Post Licensing course within two years of the date of their license being issued. In this online course, you will receive information on the real estate topics, including listing and purchase agreements, agency, fair housing, closings, and so much more!
$199 - Click here to register for 30 hour post license course!
Examples of some of our ONLINE videotaped CE classes....
Agency Breaches You Won't Believe is one of our favorites! In this lively course, a large prize raises the stakes along with the competitive nature of the group in an interactive discussion.
Stay Out of Real Estate Jail
Parties will not close and neither will sign a Mutual Release. What happens? What are you legally able to do? Within this class, more people answered wrong than right! How will you do?
How to Effectively Write and Negotiate Contracts
Writing and negotiating contracts is a skill, and those who possess it can be far more successful than those who do not. As you can immediately see-- Jay "highlights" areas of the contract for the client.
Do you do that? Should you?
In this short video, Jay discusses one important aspect of the contract: handling defects. How you discuss this with your buyer or the seller can make a huge difference in what happens in the transaction.
Real Estate Self Defense
Is This You On Open House Day?
You get there first before your assistant and quickly get the key from the lockbox so you can get in out of the rain. Once inside, you glance around to find a place out of the way of the open house traffic and drop off your computer. You go to the back of the house to make sure the back door is locked; you want all the people to come in the front so you can monitor the traffic. The back of the house is a little stuffy, so you open a window to let some air in.
Ok... you are ready for your open house!
That very common scenario just described FIVE mistakes that could put your safety in jeopardy. This sample video explains how a couple of these mistakes would create a very bad situation if things go wrong.