Exam Prep - IBREA Style
We offer most of our Exam Prep as items to purchase, or within a bundle. IBREA students will have all of these included in the GOLD Pre-Licensing Program for free.
Practice Tests
Our practice tests are not just an individual test that you take once and then you are done, like many on the market. On each type of test, you have different length tests that you pull from a large group of questions. You can take them over and over and never have the same test twice.
We offer three different types of Practice Tests: General, Law and Situational Tests. They are designed to work together-- the General and the Law gives you the background of terms and concepts. Then the Situational Tests give you story problems to make sure you understand how to use these in examples.
General Portion Practice Tests
General Portion Practice Test - General (also known as the National Portion) is roughly 60% of the Indiana State Exam. This practice test is term and concept based, ensuring your understand all of the issues that could be asked.
The IBREA General Portion Practice Tests give you choices on the length of tests-- you can take a test that is 25, 50 or 100 questions that randomly pull from a question bank from 800 questions. You can take any length test as many times as you like. $99.95 Buy Here (Included for IBREA GOLD Students)
Indiana Law Portion Practice Tests
Indiana Law Portion Practice Test -- Indiana Law is approximately 40% of the Indiana State Exam, however, you have to pass both the General and the Law separately to pass the State Exam.
This test goes over the Law portion and is designed IBREA's Pre-licensing program, taught by Jay Rose, Esq. with over 30 years of Real Estate Law experience.
The practice tests have two formats: one with 25 questions and one with 50. Both randomly pulls from the same question bank from over 350 questions. You can take it as many times as you like. $99.95 Buy Here. (Included for IBREA GOLD Students)
Situational Practice Tests
Situational Practice Tests - an IBREA exclusive. Situational Practice Tests are specifically designed to get you to the next level of understanding. Once you have a firm grasp of the terms and concepts of the General Portion of Real Estate, Situational Tests gives you story problems to test your deep understanding, and get you ready for the State Exam.
The Situational Practice Tests have the choice (at any time) to take tests that are 25, 50 or 100 questions, randomly pulling from a question bank from over 400 questions. You can take it as many times as you like. $99.95 Buy Here. (Included for IBREA GOLD Students)
A Practice Test Power Pack
Get all three Practice Tests-- General, Law and Situational-- in one pack! $225.00 (a $75 savings!) Buy Here.
Audio Study
An IBREA EXCLUSIVE-- Audio Study: study on-the-go.
Jay does an audio review of every chapter in the text book, covering the general (National) portion of the class. It doesn't require charts, pictures, references.... it is completely designed for audio. Now you can study in your car, walking the dog, at the grocery... anywhere! Learn more. $59.95 Buy Here. (Included in Gold Programs)
Learn tips and tricks to make Real Estate Math Easy! $99.00 - Get more information HERE. (MathMastery is included on Silver and Gold IBREA packages.)
Jay is available for one-on-one tutoring to go over any portion of the material you wish. This is an hourly cost. $100.00 per hour. Contact us to make arrangements. (Included, for free, in Gold Programs)
Automated Flashcards
Automated flashcards-- 400 term driven and 400 definition driven. Included for IBREA students.